Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Ahh!!! We open in 9 days!!!

So it looks like I'll be getting Masquer that card now.  I commited myself to a blog a week, and blew it...I'm lame.  But I guess not too lame because Masquer keeps me around :-)

Now that I realise that we open in 9 days I feel like freaking out.  I won't though because I always feel this way as opening night approches.  I feel like I don't know what I'm going to do once the curtin opens, and then I start to feel like maybe I shouldn't have invited so many people to watch me make a fool of myself.  But then it always turns out that God has had His hand on the whole thing and He blesses me, and the show, and it's all for His glory.  And now that I'm realising this before the curtin opens, I think I'm in good shape!

I know we'll be fine, not only because God has His hand in it all, but because Ian promised that he'll never let us go on unprepaired and make a fool of ourselves, and I trust him.

As we've gone through the weeks I'm so excited to present the work God has been letting us do for Him.  After our run through on Sunday I know there's work to be done, but I also know God is going to bless the effort and the work we put in will yield fruit for His kingdom.

It's sort of fun working on one section of the show one week, and jumping to another, and then to something else, and now learn this dance, and split into sections and workout part, and some where in all of that there's show, and we've learned the whole thing!  God has truly blessed Ian with directing and teaches abilities.  We learn everything without getting overwhelmed by the big picture.

I'm excited to open In 9 days, and I can't wait for you to see the performance!  Happy Birthday Jesus!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Rehearsal-Week 3

Hello everyone!  Last week was another 6 day work week for me (and so is this week), so I was sort of dreading rehearsal because I was so tired!  But God came through for me (like that's something new) and gave me His energy.  Thank you Jesus!

We rehearsed in sections again, and while the sopranos were working hard, the altos (Amanda, Melinda, Chelsea, and myself) couldn't not stop our silliness.  Now, I can't remember what was so funny, but at the time the things we were saying were hilarious!  That's one of the best parts of Masquer, everyone is friends, and we all love each other, have a good time together, and work at our ministry together.  It's fantastic!  More silliness happened on stage when Ian was choreographing the Victorian England dancers.  Amanda, Jennifer, and I could not stop giggling, not at the dancers, they were doing a great job, just at our own silliness.

I'm so thankful I didn't give into the temptation to spend a Sunday afternoon napping.  Instead I received a blessing from God.  I had a great day, and he gave me His energy to get through it, and have great time.

This week I am trying to get together pictures/examples of easy accessories for each time period.  As it turns out it's not as easy as I thought it was going to be, but I may have found some good examples for Victorian England.

Now for another week of listening to the rehearsal CD in my car on the way home :-)

Friday, October 22, 2010

Journey to the Manger Rehearsal 2

I got a little out of the swing of things with Masquer over the last few months.  Somehow, even though I've been around for 5 years, I forgot what a rehearsal felt like.  It sounds stupid, but I was actually surprised by how productive it felt!  Wow, it's great to be back!  I know it's not perfect, and there will be even more twicking once the rest of the cast is there, but so far I'm happy with Celebrate, and I'm happy with the work God helped us to accomplish at this rehearsal.

I'm also so excited about the talent God has brought to our group.  I sat next to Amanda during our vocal rehearsal, at the alto table, and all I have to say is, girl can sing!  Wow!  So I found who I'm going to be migrating towards to listen to :-)  So hopefully blocking doesn't change my plan :-)  But in general, there is was so much talent in that room.  Such gifted singers are a part of this musical, and I'm excited that we're going to be spending a lot of time in vocal rehearsal.  Not only because I know I need it, but because I'm excited to listen to the gifts God has given to my cast mates.

Now, not to be shallow, but my favorite part of rehearsal was near the end, when JR showed me sketches of the dress she is making as one of my costumes.  Incredible.  I can not wait to wear it and I'm so excited it gets to be me who wears it!  Yay!

Now it's Friday night, and I need a break from Celebrate.  I like the song, but I don't feel that I've made much progress, so I'll just sit next to Amanda at rehearsal again :-)

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Journey to the Manger

Journey to the Manger is a bit of a Masquer milestone for me.  It marks my 5 year anniversary with Masquer!  I forgot to get a card, but I hope that committing to an entry or more a week will make up for that.

I feel immeasurably blessed that I have been chosen by God to be a part of Masquer.  It is my ministry, my creative out let, and where I am challenged and comfortable.  I love to be on stage doing the Lord's work, how incredible is it that I get to do this!

There were a few new faces at our first read through, and most of the old ones too.  I'm excited to see new friendships develop and watch God use the talents of those around me.  As we start learning blocking and music, and looking for costumes and costume pieces, and building and painting sets, my prayer is that in all of this, every single moment is an act of worship.

This Christmas time we have been given our latest challenge and work.  Once again Jesus has asked us to be a part of His birthday celebration, and I am so excited to see what is in store for us.